MexGrocer Authentic Mexican Soda Pack, 8 items for $19.95
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List Price : $13.95Price : $19.95
Product Description
Calling all soda lovers! Titillate your taste buds with these nine bottles of totally Mexican soda pop. Savor flavors youve never dreamed ofSangría, tamarindo, Jamaica, lemon, mandarin, Inca Cola and Penafiel.
pack of 8 items
Bottles of totally Mexican soda pop
Savor flavors youve never dreamed ofSangría, tamarindo, Jamaica, lemon, mandarin, Inca Cola and Penafiel
MexGrocer Authentic Mexican Soda Pack, 8 items Reviews
MexGrocer Authentic Mexican Soda Pack, 8 items Reviews
This review is from: MexGrocer Authentic Mexican Soda Pack, 8 items (Misc.)
It contains cane sugar, not high fructose corn syrup, which is why I buy it. The flavors are different, like Tamarindo, Sangria, Mango then the usual like grapefuit, strawberry, etc. I get it for $1.29/ 2 liter bottle at the local Mexican food store.
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